Benny L. Bolden, Jr., Ed.D.
Principal, R. FRank Nims Middle School
Past President
Valerie Terry
Carlos E. Haile Middle School (Retired)
Michael Dye
Executive Director, Florida Vocal Association
Non-Public Schools Representative
Katye Campbell
Brevard County School Board
Bill Slayton
Escambia County School Board
North Region
Russell Hughes
Walton County School District
South Region
Bob Shayman
Hardee County Schools
Benny L. Bolden, Jr. Ed.D.
Principal, R. Frank Nims Middle School
Kevin Purvis
Principal, Buchholz Higih School
Kevin LeVine
Principal, Harrison School of the Arts
Anthony Simons, III
Principal, Madison Middle School, Miami
Jeanne Reynolds
Pinellas County Schools (retired)
Rebekah Ricks
Florida Music Education Association
Keith Griffis
Sickles High School (Hillsborough)
Carrie Lehy
Bak Middle School of the Arts (Palm Beach)
Florida Bandmasters Association
Jeffrey Cayer
Marshall Middle School
Florida Music Supervision Association
Christopher Burns, PhD
School District of Osceola County
Florida Orchestra Association
Andrea Szarowicz
Steinbrenner High School
Florida Vocal Association
David Verdoni
Riverview High School
Neil Jenkins
FBA Executive Director
Donald Langland
FOA Executive Director
Michael Dye
FVA Executive Director
Kathleen D. Sanz, PhD
FSMA & FMEA Executive Director