Florida Statute 1006.15 (3)(a) addresses student eligibility to participate in interscholastic extracurricular activities. Specifically the statute reads as follows:
(3)(a) To be eligible to participate in interscholastic extracurricular student activities, a student must:
1. Maintain a grade point average of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent, in the previous semester or a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent, in the courses required by s. 1003.43(1).
2. Execute and fulfill the requirements of an academic performance contract between the student, the district school board, the appropriate governing association, and the student's parents, if the student's cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0, or its equivalent, on a 4.0 scale in the courses required by s. 1003.43(1).At a minimum, the contract must require that the student attend summer school, or its graded equivalent, between grades 9 and 10 or grades 10 and 11, as necessary.
Because music classes are co-curricular and part of the regular school curriculum, FSMA-Sanctioned Music Performance Assessments (MPAs) are considered an assessment of the learned curriculum. Therefore, Florida Statute 1006.15(3)(a) does not apply to these assessments as they are not extracurricular. However, additional performances, competitions, trips, or auditions other than MPAs may be considered extracurricular and in those cases the statute does apply.
To facilitate its role in assisting school districts and students in complying with this statute, FSMA has developed an Academic Performance Contract for Music Eligibility. This form may be used for any 9th or 10th grade student whose grade point average falls below the required 2.0 cumulative grade point average.
Please note that this contract does not cover All-State auditions. Students wishing to audition or participate in an FMEA All-State or Honors ensemble should see the FMEA Academic Performance Contract.
A student who changes to/from a home school cooperative during the school year after initially attending another school in Florida must file this completed Notice of Transfer/Change-of-School Form with the new school and old school. Students who transfer during the school year are immediately eligible to participate in Music Performance Assessments at their new school provided registration deadlines have not passed and the student did not participate in the same event at their prior school in the same school year.